Hey, check it out

Apparently someone has decided that the best use of their advertising money would be to purchase ads on the term “KDE”. Ads that have nothing to do with KDE, but everything to do with programming with Gtk/WebKit…

Now obviously this was likely not paid for by the GNOME foundation or even anyone associated with the GNOME project as they’re all around a good crowd in my experience. But I’d be interested in knowing who is doing this, as it is very poor form.

This kind of thing has happened before apparently, before my time. There was an article on Linux.com. And Kurt Granroth, who was one of the people who noticed the first time still has his page about it up.

Update 02:34: Not as soon as I’ve posted it, and it disappears on me. I don’t know if it was taken down, expired, too many people clicked on it, or if Google rotates ad words or something. But I’m still intrigued…